CPC112592 602.DOC The Complete Portable and Portable Plus Merging a Letterhead into a Print File This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. The Portable Plus software has the ability to Merge your Letterhead file into your Print files before converting to fax file format. Although we mention this briefly in our latest version of the Portable Plus User's Guide, we did not include enough information to successfully complete the Merge. Hopefully the instructions below will help you in sending more professional Fax documents with The Portable Plus. The Portable Plus will convert files using a letterhead template you customize to match your company letterhead. Scan your letterhead or create a duplicate in your graphics or word processor application and save it in fine fax file format. Once the letterhead has been saved in our Fax file format, you must rename it to LETHEAD1.CFP. Store this file in your Portable Plus directory. This is the file Portable Plus assumes is your letterhead when working within the Convert to FAX menu. The merging of your letterhead assumes the fax data (your print file) will be "printed" onto the LETHEAD1.CFP file automatically. If you are using the Convert to FAX menu, simply enter the print file name, i.e. test.prn and use L as the file type. You can specify either Standard or Fine as the convert resolution. If you want to merge your Letterhead file at the Command Line, you can specify the LETHEAD1.CFP file, and the input file as the print file, i.e.: CONVERT /TLETHEAD1.CFP [INPUT FILE] [OUTPUT FILE] The /T option signals our convert program to "print" the specified print file onto the letterhead file. Note: The convert within the menu, specifying the type L assumes the letterhead file is LETHEAD1.CFP. If you need different letterheads for different purposes, the command line convert will accept any fax file after the /T option, i.e.: CONVERT /TLTEST.001 TEST.PRN