CPC092392 405.DOC The Complete Modem and Modem Plus Faxing from Lotus 1-2-3 This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. To use Lotus 1-2-3 with The Complete Modem or Modem Plus you must first have installed the printer driver for the Epson FX family of printers (the FX-80 will work best). See your 1-2-3 manual for instructions on adding a printer driver to your current system. If you have more than one printer driver installed, perhaps an Epson driver for use with The Complete Modem or Modem Plus and another driver for the printer you actually use for printed output, you must have our printer selected before using either our HotKey or printing to a file. To select the Epson printer, do the following: Navigate down through the following menu choices: Print - Printer - Options - Advanced - Device - Name. After pressing return on the Name menu choice you will be presented with a sequence of numbers (1,2,3 etc.) that correspond to the different printers that you have installed. Use your arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the number that corresponds to the Epson FX, MX Series FX printer driver. After confirming your choice by pressing return, back up to the main menu and follow the instructions below. Lotus 1-2-3 does not send any "end of page" codes to the Epson printer. Instead it sends a series of line feed commands. In multi page documents this results in a long one page fax that has a gap where each page break occurs, rather than in a multi page fax. If you are using our HotKey there is nothing to be done about this, the person that receives you fax will have to separate the pages manually. If you use the print to file option, however, you can force The Complete Modem Plus to insert page breaks every 11 inches. To accomplish this, do the following after printing to disk: Rather than going directly to the Send Faxes screen, go to the Special Features menu and select Convert to Fax (See Chapter 4 for more information on the Convert to Fax function). Enter the filename to convert. Specify X as the type of file being converted. Choose S or F (standard or fine) for the resolution of the converted fax. Press F3 to covert the file to fax format. The new fax file will have the same name as the original text file but will not have the same extension. The fax file will show up in the fax directory and can be transmitted from the Send Faxes screen normally. Printing to Disk Lotus 1-2-3 offers a print to disk option, but the output it generates is a simple text file with no formatting (compressed or expanded type) commands. If you wish to use compressed or expended type you must use the HotKey feature. To print to disk using Lotus 1-2-3, do the following: Load the document you wish to fax. Select Print and then File from the menus. Enter the name and path of the print file. For ease of use you should have 1-2-3 place the print file in the Complete Modem or Modem Plus (C:\PFAX) directory and the file should also have a .PRN extension (example: C:\PFAX\faxfile.prn). Select any other print options you wish and then select Go from the Print menu. After printing to disk you can go directly to The Complete Modem or Modem Plus's Send Faxes screen, enter the filename (example: C:\PFAX\FAXFILE.PRN) and PFAX will automatically convert and send the file. How to use Hotkey with Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3.1 Set up your document or to print to the printer. Set your range and all other specifiers to fit within the page: /Print Printer Options Advanced Device Interface 5 The 5 changes your printer interface from Parallel Port 1 to LPT1. This is normally the same thing, but Lotus makes the distinction, and you will need to make this change. To continue: ESC ESC ALT F [Fill out the cover sheet] Press F10 to start the print capture Hit the Space bar to exit from the next POP-UP screen GO Don't exit Lotus until the disk light stops blinking. Lotus spools its output to the printer (actually our temporary print file) in the background. It discontinues this activity (with a warning to you!) when you exit. 1-2-3's machine state is such that it does 'think' it is sending output to your printer. Once you are out to the DOS prompt, you will see the Hotkey start up and your document will get converted. NOTE: HotKey is known to not come up automatically with DOS 4.0 or higher. If you have our Modem Pus installed in a machine with 4.0 or higher, you will have to execute the PHKSEND manually. To do this, at the DOS prompt type PHKSEND and press return.