CPC091792 The Complete Communicator for DOS How to View Faxes from a PC without Communicator Installed This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. The Complete Communicator was not written to support the viewing of faxes at a PC without the board installed. However, you can view faxes if you have the appropriate files copied at the other PC. At the PC where the Communicator is installed, you will have to modify the installation parameters to match the Graphic Adapter and Monitor type of the other PC. (Not necessary if the two PC's have the same Monitor type, i.e. VGA). For instance, if the PC with the Communicator has a VGA screen and the other PC has an EGA setup then you will have to modify the INSTALLC program to match the EGA setup. To do this: Type INSTALLC at the C:\ prompt Choose Modify Existing Parameters Choose PC Configuartion. Change the values to match the settings of the other PC. Press F10 twice, and reboot the PC There are three files that need to be copied into a \CC directory (\CC must be on the same drive and directory as the Communicator PC) at the other PC. CFAXCRT.EXE CONFIG21.CFX CFAXVIEW.EXE Once you have these files on the other PC, you should be able to bring fax files to the other PC and use CFAXVIEW to look at them at the \CC prompt. Please refer to Command Line Interface Appendix of your CCOM manual for more information on CFAXVIEW. Remember to reset your INSTALLC settings back to the configuration of the Communicator PC.