CPC091692 The Complete Communicator Printing Faxes though a Novell Network This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. The following information is provided to setup Novell Advanced Netware 286 version 2.15's PrintCon utility , in order to print faxes through a network. We are able to print Faxes through the network by using the following PrintCon definition and using the following batch file that we call FP.BAT and have placed in our SYS:\PUBLIC directory Capture /J=FAXPRINT /NT FAXPRINT %1 Endcap To use this batch file the user will type: C:\>FP FAXOO1 (FAX001 being the fax document to be printed) The Novell capture is invoked using the FAXPRINT PrintCon configuration, and adding the parameter for No Tabs. Then FAXPRINT is invoked (our command line utility), then ENDCAP to close the print file. This has only been done with Novell Advanced Netware 286 version 2.15 and may not work on other versions of Netware From the command line, you type: C: \>PRINTCON You will be presented with a screen that shows the available options of: Edit Print Job Configuration and Select Default Print Job Configuration Select the Edit Print Job Configuration Hit the Insert key to add a new Job Configuration. The job can be called whatever you want, but we suggest for consistency with the rest of our instructions that you select FAXPRINT. After typing in FAXPRINT (or whatever you have decided to call the configuration) hit return and you should see a box that reads "Edit Print Job Configuration "FaxPrint"". Set the parameters to the following settings. Number of Copies=1 Suppress form feed=No File Contents=Byte Stream Tab Size=(Do not change) Local Printer=1 Auto Endcap=No File Server=(Do not change) Print queue=(Do not change) Mode=(Re-initialize) Form Name=White 8x11 Print Banner=No Banner Name=(Do not change) Banner File=(Do not change) Enable Timeout=Yes Timeout Count=200 When you have made the changes press ESC and save the configuration when prompted to.