CPC091592 209.DOC The Complete Communicator Scan and Fax with Hand Held Scanners This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. The Complete Communicator for DOS software includes support for scanning and faxing with Page scanners. if you have a handheld scanner, the procedure for faxing images through these scanners is a bit different than if you had a supported Full Page scanner. If you own a handheld scanner, you will scan your image from within the software supplied with your scanner. Once you are finished scanning you will save the image in a format that CCOM's convert routine will recognize: .PCX (PC Paintbrush plus), .MSP (Microsoft Paint, versions 2.0 and below), .CUT (DR Halo II & III) .TIF (black and whites, uncompressed TIF). You can save it to the C:\CC directory too: C:\CC\SCANFILE.PCX After scanning and saving the image, exit the scan software and access CFAX. Choose Special Features, Convert to FAX. Under filename, enter SCANFILE.PCX. For TYPE, choose P for Paintbrush. Resolution can be either Standard or Fine. Press F3 to convert to fax file format. once finished converting, it is ready to send. You can send a PCX file (or other supported formats) from the Send Fax screen, too. Simply enter the filename of the scanned image in the Filename field (SCANFILE.PCX) followed by the phone number of the recipient. Make sure you scan at 200 dpi. Fax files are 200 dpi by definition.